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Monday, September 14, 2020

Public Endpoint for Azure Managed Instance and SSMS connectivity

VPN throughput or intermittent connection disruption could be an issue while connecting to an Azure Managed Instance. To avoid VPN connection-related disruptions to an Azure Managed Instance,  Microsoft has introduced Public Endpoint Link to connect an Azure managed instance directly from an on-premises SSMS. Public Endpoint is also helpful while managing both on-premises SQL Servers as well as Cloud based Azure SQL offerings through SSMS.

Steps to follow: (using PowerShell or using Azure Portal)

  • Enable Public Endpoint for the managed instance.
  • Configure the managed instance Network Security Group (NSG).
  • Obtain the managed instance Public Endpoint host name.

Managed Instance Note:

  • The value for the priority of the “Inbound Traffic Rule” must be higher than the “deny_all_inbound” rule.
  • The default port of the managed instance is 3342, it is fixed and can’t be changed.
  • To connect from an on-premises SSMS, use the following host naming method:


In our example, the managed instance host name is the following:,3342

Using PowerShell:

# Connect to the Azure Cloud

# Initiate Resource groups where managed instance belongs to
$rgname ='shb-db-rg-01'
# Managed instance name
$miname = 'shb-mi-01' 

# Enable the public endpoint
$misql = Get-AzSqlInstance -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $miname
$misql = $misql | Set-AzSqlInstance -PublicDataEndpointEnabled $true -force

# Modify NSG (Network security Group) by adding Inbound security rule
Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name nsg-shb-mi-01 -ResourceGroupName shb-db-rg-01 | `
    Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name public_endpoint_inbound_sql -Description "Allow SQL TCP" -Access Allow `
    -Protocol Tcp -Direction Inbound -Priority 1210 -SourceAddressPrefix * -SourcePortRange * `
    -DestinationAddressPrefix * -DestinationPortRange 3342 | Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup

 Inbound Traffic:

Connection to an Managed Instance:


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