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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DATEDIFF function– A common performance problem

DATEDIFF is one of the most widely used built-in functions to calculate the difference between two date points. Microsoft says DATEDIFF can be used in the select list, WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. Programmatically and logically this statement is absolutely correct, however there is a catch when it is used on the WHERE clause. We often introduce “non-sargable” predicate with the DATEDIFF function which leads to poor performance. I don’t think that there are good guidelines for many new developers.

Usage patterns:
As a rule of thumb, we know that using function on the left side of the WHERE clause causes Table or Index scan. So when the DATEDIFF function or any other functions are used on a key column, we will obviously see performance issues. Some common patterns of DATEDIFF functions are as follows:

WHERE DATEDIFF(day, dJoinDate, @CurrentDate) >=30
WHERE DATEDIFF(d, dDateofBirth, @dDate) =0
WHERE a.LastName LIKE  'Jon*' AND DATEDIFF(d, a.dSalesDate, @dDate) =0
WHERE DATEDIFF(mm, dDate, GetDate()) >= 15
WHERE YEAR(a.dDate) =2012

Issues observed:
Following are some definite issues which can be observed:
1.      Increased query response times.
2.      Table/Index scan in execution plans.
3.      Short or long durations of SQL blockings.
4.      Increasing of locking overhead.
5.      Unnecessary I/O activities and memory pressure.
6.      Parallel query plan and “sort operation”.

Sample Scripts to understanding the performance issues:
Let’s create a database and table; and then populate the table with data to explore some of the performance issues which may arise from a non-sargable predicates.

Create database and some relevant stuff
set nocount on
create database TestDB

use TestDB

if object_id('tblLarge') is not null
    drop table tblLarge

create table tblLarge
      xID int identity(1, 1) ,
      sName1 varchar(100) ,
      sName2 varchar(1000) ,
      sName3 varchar(400) ,
      sIdentifier char(100) ,
      dDOB datetime null ,
      nWage numeric(20, 2) ,
      sLicense varchar(25)

Add some records with non-blank dDOB
set nocount on
insert  into tblLarge
        ( sName1 ,
          sName2 ,
          sName3 ,
          sIdentifier ,
          dDOB ,
          nWage ,
values  ( left(cast(newid() as varchar(36)), rand() * 50) ,    -- sName1
          left(cast(newid() as varchar(36)), rand() * 60) ,    -- sName2
          left(cast(newid() as varchar(36)), rand() * 70) ,    -- sName2
          left(cast(newid() as varchar(36)), 2) ,              -- sIdentifier    
          dateadd(dd, -rand() * 20000, getdate()) ,            -- dDOB
          ( rand() * 1000 ) ,                                  -- nWage
          substring(cast(newid() as varchar(36)), 6, 7)        -- sLicense       
go 100000

Create indexes
alter table dbo.tblLarge add constraint
PK_tblLarge primary key clustered
) with( pad_index = off,
          fillfactor = 85,
          allow_row_locks = on,
          allow_page_locks = on)

create nonclustered index [IX_tblLarge_dDOB_sName1] on [dbo].[tblLarge]
(      [dDOB] asc,
[sName1] asc
) with (pad_index = off,
          allow_row_locks = on,
          allow_page_locks = on,
          fillfactor = 85)

Example #1: DATEDIFF: non-sargable predicate:
Let’s consider the following commonly used patterns of the DATEDIFF function:

declare @dDate as datetime
set @dDate = '2012-09-19'

-- #0: non-sargable search
select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   datediff(d, dDOB, @dDate) = 0
order by dDOB

The above query results with Index Scan and below is the execution plan:

Optimizing the search:
The above query can be optimized a couple different ways and will result in an efficient execution plan:

-- #1: sargable predicate
select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   dDOB between '20120919' and '20120920'
order by dDOB

-- #2: sargable predicate
select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   dDOB between cast(convert(varchar(12), @dDate, 112) + ' 00:00:00' as datetime)
             and     cast(convert(varchar(12), @dDate + 1, 112) + ' 00:00:00' as datetime)
order by dDOB

-- #3: sargable predicate
select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   dDOB between convert(char(8), @dDate, 112)
             and     convert(char(8), @dDate + 1, 112)
order by dDOB

Following are the execution plans and cost comparisons:

Example #2: DATEDIFF: non-sargable predicate:
Consider the following as a non-sargable example.

declare @dDate as datetime
set @dDate = '2013-11-19'

select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   datediff(dd, dDOB, @dDate) <= 1
order by dDOB

To optimize the above query we can move the DATEDIFF function from left side to the right side.

declare @dDate as datetime
set @dDate = '2013-11-19'

select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   dDOB >= dateadd(dd, -1, @dDate)
order by dDOB

Following is the optimization effort which results in better query response time.

Example #3: YEAR- non-sargable predicate:
This is an example of YEAR function used on datetime column which results with index scan and can be re-written in a slightly different way.

-- non-sargable
select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   year(dDOB) = 2010
order by dDOB

-- sargable
select  xID ,
        sName1 ,
from    tblLarge
where   dDOB >= '01-01-2010'
        and dDOB < '01-01-2011'
order by dDOB

Execution plan and cost comparison:

Writing efficient query for OLTP application needs more careful consideration and understanding of various techniques. Just satisfying the business requirement is not enough; we also need to make sure each query is a super performer by removing non-sargable predicates. 

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