Comparing metrics over time and plotting each series on the same time interval and then understand the recent trend is important for all IT professional. The time shifting comparison is critical for any professional to find out anomalies and to understand unpredicted behavior of a system.
As OpenEye is built on PostgreSQL and using Timescaldb Extension, it is quite easy to draw such graph using Grafana. Following is one of the sample query that uses PostgreSQL LATERAL JOIN and generate_series functions from PostgreSQL and time_bucket function from Timescaldb to accomplish such useful graph.
avg_sql_cpu as "Avg CPU",
when step = 0 then 'Today'
else grp_day
end as grp_day
(step || 'day')::interval as interval
from generate_series(0, 6) g(step)) g_offsets
join lateral (
time_bucket('10m',utc_time + interval)::timestamp as time,
TO_CHAR(local_time, 'Day') as grp_day,
AVG(sql_percent_processor_time) as avg_sql_cpu
from tbl_sql_process
where utc_time between ($__timeFrom()::timestamp - interval)
and ($__timeTo()::timestamp - interval)
and sql_server = '$server'
group by 1, 2
order by 1 ) as l on true
order by step
Time-shifted Graph in OpenEye Dashboard:
Take a look at:
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