folks who are responsible for administering thousands of Windows Servers all
know that monitoring disk space is crucial for application performance. When
there are numerous Windows Servers, such as thousands, it becomes more difficult
to know what is going on where; and thus putting an effective monitoring tool in
place is absolutely necessary for proactive monitoring purposes.
recently faced a challenge to collect disk space usage about more than 300 (SQL
Servers) out of 2000 Windows Servers across the enterprise and send the
collected information by e-mail. To
complete the task, the output should be easy to understand and the server should
contain a brief description so that we can quickly identify the purpose of the server.
Following is a desirable output format.
Figure#1: Sample disk usage html report:
achieve this goal, I have developed a custom PowerShell Script and scheduled it
to run every 6 hours. It investigates all Windows Servers listed in a CSV file through
Job. To schedule this script, I have used SQL Server Agent since I felt more
comfortable with it and because it is easy to implement. However, Windows
Schedule Task can also be used to do the same functions.
PowerShell Script:
#set-executionpolicy unrestricted
# Send email to all DBA
function Send-EmailToDBA {
$EmailFrom = "noreply@myCompanyorg"
$EmailTo = "abcxyz@myCompanyorg,
abc@myCompanyorg, xyz@myCompanyorg"
$SMTPServer = ""
$mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SMTPclient($smtpserver)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage($EmailFrom,$EmailTo,$EmailSubject,$Emailbody)
$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
} # end of function
# Get-DiskInfo
function Get-DiskInfo {
[string[]]$FileFullPath = 'i:\ServerList\servers.txt',
[decimal]$DiskThreshold = 10
$SHBServers = (import-csv $FileFullPath -Header Server, Description)
foreach ($computer in $SHBServers) {
$Server = $($Computer.Server).split("\")[0]
# $disks =Get-WMIObject -ComputerName
$computer.server Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object {$_.DriveType -eq 3}
$disks =Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Server Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object {$_.DriveType -eq 3}
foreach ($disk in $disks ) {
if ($disks.count -ge 1) {
$Used= $disk.freespace / $disk.size * 100
$result = @{'Server'=$computer.server;
'Size (gb)'="{0:n2}" -f ($disk.size / 1gb);
'Used (gb)'="{0:n2}" -f (($disk.size - $disk.freespace) / 1gb);
'Free (gb)'="{0:n2}" -f ($disk.freespace / 1gb);
'% free'="{0:n2}" -f ($disk.freespace / $disk.size * 100)}
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $result
if ($Used -lt $Diskthreshold){
Write-Output $obj }
END {}
} # end of function
# Script to generate disk usage
$Today = [string]::Format( "{0:dd-MM-yyyy}", [datetime]::Now.Date )
$ReportFileName = "i:\Sarjen\Report\DiskUsage_$Today.html"
# Custom HTML Report Formatting
$head = @"
BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size:
H1{font-size: 16px;}
H2{font-size: 14px;}
H3{font-size: 12px;}
TABLE {border-width:
1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;
TH {border-width: 1px;padding:
3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: #94D4F7;}
TD {border-width: 1px;padding:
3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
#define an array for html fragments
# Set free disk space threshold below in
percent (default at 10%)
[decimal]$thresholdspace = 20
#this is the graph character
# call the main function
$Disks = Get-DiskInfo `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
-FileFullPath ("i:\Sarjen\SQLServers.txt") `
-DiskThreshold $thresholdspace
#create an html fragment
$html= $Disks|select @{name="Server";expression={$_.Server}},
Description";expression={$_."Server Description"}},
(gb)" ;expression={($_."size (gb)")}},
(gb)";expression={$_."used (gb)"}},
(gb)";expression ={$_."free (gb)"}},
free";expression ={$_."% free"}},
$UsedPer= (($_."Size
(gb)" - $_."Free (gb)")/$_."Size (gb)")*100
$UsedGraph=$g * ($UsedPer/4)
$FreeGraph=$g* ((100-$UsedPer)/4)
#using place
holders for the < and > characters
Color=Greenxclose{1}xopen/fontxclose" -f $usedGraph,$FreeGraph }}`
| sort-Object {[decimal]$_."%
free"} `
| ConvertTo-HTML -fragment
#replace the tag place holders.
$html=$html -replace "xopen","<"
$html=$html -replace "xclose",">"
#add to fragments
#write the result to a file
ConvertTo-Html -head $head -body $fragments `
| Out-File $ReportFileName
# Open the html
# ii
$Emailbody= (Get-Content $ReportFileName ) | out-string
$EmailSubject = "Disk
usage report - Drives less than $thresholdspace% free space"
Send-EmailToDBA -EmailBody $Emailbody -EmailSubject $EmailSubject
Figure#2: CSV file for Server list with description:
Figure#3: SQL Agent Job to run the PowerShell Script:
collect disk information from multiple servers, we need the following rights or
1. WMI access to the target
2. Privileges to run PowerShell
Script in the source server. Run the following command:
set-executionpolicy unrestricted
3. Have PowerShell version 2.0
or above.
Script Explanation:
1. The PowerShell script reads
the Server name (figure#2) from a CSV file. This CSV file contains the Server name and description.
2. The Script will check the
percentage of free disk space, for example 10% or 20%, etc.
3. The output will be preserved
in HTML format.
4. An e-mail notification will
be sent and the email body will contain the HTML table.
Running the Script:
script can be run manually or through a Windows or SQL Agent Job. Figure#3 is an
example of how to run it by utilizing SQL Agent Job.
am running this script against 200+ productions Windows Server and it took around
2 minutes to complete. Although this script does its job, there is room for
improvement, such as adding error handling and logging. So if you enhance this
script and improve its functionality, then I request that you share your
modified script with me.